Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Over the holidays

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we spent the majority of our time in Marion.
Rocco made himself at home just as the other cousins have.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Favorite quote of the day:

"Who needs a
when you
have sisters?"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weekend trip

I went home for the weekend for a quick trip to visit both Riva and Mikaleen in the hospital. Vincenzo and Rocco tagged along. They got to enjoy their older cousins and Uncle Carmino.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mikaleen Giustina Jenks

This picture breaks my heart. She is so small and so precious, yet she is a tough girl like her big sister, Anelese.

Little Mikaleen (aka: Mecca Lecca Hi Mecca Hi Ne Ho) is doing well in the hospital. Riva was released from the hospital on Saturday and still no word on when Mikaleen (aka: McLean Deluxe) will go home. Rumor has it that today could be the day.

Dante and Anelese have yet to meet her. Anelese is worried that Mikaleen (aka: Michelin tires) is sad being in the hospital without her whole family there to visit.

BTW: Riva has not approved the above nicknames.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dad would be so proud

The last two babies have been named after our father. Rocco Giustino and Mickaleen Giustina.

Another addition to the family.
Proud parents: Riva and Beau.

Born: 11-10-09

5 lbs 13 oz.

Beautiful angel girl

Monday, November 9, 2009

Carmino hit a deer

On the way back from Ann Arbor, Carmino was on I-94 going at least 70 mph and a deer slammed into the passenger door. Mom was the passenger. They are both fine. The car was beat up a bit, but they continued to drive home.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Carmino in Vegas

I just received a text message from Carmino that he slept in a bath tub last night while on his trip to Las Vegas.

He even followed it up saying it was rather comfortable.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dante in the hospital

Just got word moments ago that Dante is in the hospital.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Weight goal

Andy and I are on a mission. Who can lose 10 pounds first. Yes, it makes sense that he would win since he a bit larger than me, but I am not detered. I am down 2 pounds. I'll let you know when I win. Should be by the end of the month... I sure hope.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Let's go shopping!

Good news.

Carmino keeps winning club golf tournaments. He gets cash and pro shop store credit.

Mom and I will be getting our Christmas gifts from Carmino @ the pro shop the next time I am in Marion.

Anyone else need anything?

Thanks, Carmino!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who knew sports were such an outlet for the Boves?

Giuseppe spends at least 5-7 hours a week in either hockey or football training. It takes a huge toll on me since I normally am the one driving him to and from his games/practices.

Vincenzo is still too young for organized sports, but he does his share in the backyard with baseball, golf, soccer, football and running.

Rocco makes good efforts in keeping in shape. Lots of kicking and swinging when on the floor.

Dante has enjoyed tackle football that he started this year. I haven't seen him in action. Can't wait.

Anelese has been on the blog before many times for her advanced soccer goalie skills. I have been told the photos of her are coming.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rocco Giustino Bove's day

Rocco was baptized in the Catholic faith Sunday, September 20, 2009:

Godfather: Carmino Bove (Brother of Sonia Gottfried)

Godmother: Jackie Sheridan (Sister of Andy Gottfried)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Not much to report

There hasn't been much to report.

Nadia and Ken (not Mia) are coming to Ann Arbor in a few weeks for Rocco's baptism.

Anelese is the goalie and caption of her soccer team. This girl's got moves.

Dante is playing football for his first year. (Waiting for pictures.)

Riva is in her third trimester of her pregnancy.

Carmino is still golfing.

Giuseppe is getting ready to start school. New district, new teachers, new friends, new building, lots of fun. Also started travel hockey.

Vincenzo is trying to find his place as a middle child. (FYI: middle children rule!)

Rocco is teasing us. Sleeps through the night on occasion.

Lisa, aka Mom, is currently in Ann Arbor helping with my three boys.

Andy is gearing up for football season. Things get crazy this time of year. (He is actually singing the ND fight song as I write this... seriously.)

Sonia is taking it one day at a time and keeping plenty busy.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Famous me!!!

One of the most talented photographers I have ever had the pleasure to work with, took a picture of me and a good friend that has made it across the country. Here are just a few you may have seen my 40-week-pregnant, crying face in:

Yahoo News
USA Today
Detroit Free Press
Time Magazine, Aug. 17
The Ann Arbor News

Newest addition to the family

I must apologize for the late posting. I have been out of commission since I gave birth.
However, I am proud to announce the birth of:

Rocco Giustino Gottfried
8 lbs., 7.3 ounces
21 inches
Thursday, July 23, 2009 @ 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Police Academy for kids

Dante and Anelese are at a Police Academy for kids this week at the Marion Police Department.
They actually get to repel down the second story of the city building downtown, go to a fake crime scene and process it from beginning to end, ride in a patrol car, go to an obstacle course, go to the shooting range and visit the K-9 unit. Anelese is thrilled. Dante is not so excited. It lasts all week and they "graduate" on Friday.

This should be interesting. Thanks to their Grandma Whitton (aka: Nila) for signing them up.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby girl to arrive this fall

Riva announced that she is bringing home a baby girl in late November / early December! She had her ultrasound today to verify the gender.
This is great news! Now, what shall we call her until she is born? 
I'm thinking Baby Joy to go with my Baby Earl. Get it? From "My Name is Earl." Ah, nevermind.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

If you can't trust family... who can you trust?

According to the "jbboverocks" monthly poll: 
62% of poll-takers believe Dante and Anelese cannot be trusted!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fashionable pants

photographer is unknown

With THREE sisters, how could it be possible to stray so far from fashion?

These are Carmino's golf pants that be debuted on Meshingomeshia's golf course this weekend.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Camp Crosley coming to an end

Well, I THINK I found pictures of Dante, however they were not close-ups so I could be posting some other boy that "looks" like Dante. 

Many of the photos I saw in the Camp Crosley website had Dante and Anelese in them, but they were either back views or long shots. Nothing worth putting up.

They look like they are having and blast!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where is Dante?

Today there were FOUR pictures of Anelese and not one of Dante. Where the hell is he? Other than the drop-off day, no photos have been seen of him.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Camp Crosely welcomes the Whitton twins!

The top photo is Anelese playing soccer at Camp Crosley on her second day there. Go, ANELESE! This was also the same day as here 10th birthday!

The bottom photo is Riva, Dante and Anelese on drop-off day. At this point they have no idea what kind of fun they are in for. I can't wait to hear the details from Anelese... not so much from Dante though. (If you even heard Dante tell a story, you'd know why.)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy birthday Dante and Anelese


photo by Riva Bove-Whitton
Today (Monday, June 22) is Dante and Anelese's 10th birthday!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

At Grandma's house

photos by Carmino Bove

This week the boys get to spend the week with Grandma Bove. I heard they are having a blast. Giuseppe plays with Dante and Anelese while Vincenzo's new best friend is Capone, Carmino's dog.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Carmino and Mom spent a whole weekend putting down mulch. Their hard efforts paid off.

Photos by Andrew Gottfried.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dogs win prize

I am not too sure on the details, but Kathy, Mom and Anelese entered Capone and Crystal in a dog contest for the annual walk/fundraiser for Grant County's Humane Society.

Anelese and Crystal won for most look-alike.

Capone won for most personality.


I wish I had some pictures to post. 

Friday, June 5, 2009

Checking in on the "Riva" front

Riva and the crew are going to South Bend this weekend for Marion Lightning Soccer tournament.  Anelese's team is in first place right now in her division. Thanks to the super awesome goalie.
Dante's team is playing as well. 
If you heard the rumors... they are true. Riva and Beau are expecting a baby December 2. The question is: boy or girl? 
The last 4 babies coming from the JB Bove side have been boys.
Anelese and Dante have successfully passed the third grade! Hurray. Now let he summer begin for these upcoming 4th-graders. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

lost picture

I found this picture and thought it would be fun to share.

This was a few years ago on Christmas in Marion. 

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Exclusive interview

Today we had an exclusive opportunity to interview the streakers from the past weekend. The interview was only granted on the family's behalf if their identity was withheld. 

Neighborhood flasher: 
"With a body like mine, wouldn't you want to be naked?"
Mother of the boys:
"I'm not saying a word. I have done my best to raise these boys. What they do in the free time is up to them."
Older brother of the flasher:
"I support my brother in all he does. He has always had a thing with being naked, but really who doesn't?"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Flasher on the loose

Please help us identify this duo-team of neighborhood streakers. Last seen Sunday afternoon dashing through the backyard of various homes in the neighborhood. If you have any information please contact your local flasher hotline.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mark your calendars

Baby Earl's schedule arrival is Thursday, July 23 @ 10 a.m.
That is two more months.
Let's hope the baby comes a few days early just to shed a day or two off the misery of the last months of pregnancy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When Carmino is in charge

This what happens when I leave Carmino with my boys for a couple of hours:

Both my boys end up in the same crib together for a nap. For the most part, they both don't do cribs anymore.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day was a hit

Mom got showered with gifts for Mother's Day. 
  • I got her four pillows for her living room couch. 
  • Nadia got her a bouquet of roses. 
  • Riva and Carmino are going to contribute to flowers for her yard which I believe Carmino and Kathy will be planting while she is in Ann Arbor this week.
We took her to the club for brunch Sunday morning. In the evening Andy made a delicious Mexican dinner.

Mom decided to stay with us this week in Michigan so her and Vincenzo can hang out while Andy & I work and Giuseppe goes to school.

By the way, I estimate to work about 23-52 more work days before I am not employed by "corporate America."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to the Bove Mom's:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lawncare of 3 acres isn't easy

As told by Kathy, Carmino's very tolerant girlfriend. (Seriously, who could stand Carmino for more than a few days? Thank goodness for Kathy!):

"Carmino drove the mower through the wet area below the fence in the back yard. We put Anelese on the mower and we pushed and pulled her out. I picked the grassy side and Carmino got sprayed by all the mud! Head to toe! Where are cameras when you need them!? I would have given anything for a pic to share with you!"

Speaking of pictures, here is picture of Kathy and Carmino. I believe it is a cooking class at Marion's country club.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Best $10 ever: Deablo

Yesterday we celebrated Deablo's 12th birthday.

We got him in September 1997 in Muncie while Andy and I were at Ball State as seniors. 

He was only $10. That amount covered the cost of his first appointment and neutering, as well.

Andy and I still say that was the best $10 we ever spent.

We aren't exactly sure when Deablo's birthday is, but we determined shortly after the vet determined his age that we would celebrate his birthday on May 1st.

To many healthy years to come, Deablo!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Your voices have been heard

Nadia has been determined to be the coolest of the Bove kids.

I welcome any more photos you have for posting on this blog.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Visiting the cemetery

Here is a look at Dad's final resting place.
This is the view of the mausoleum front located at the Grant Memorial Park in Marion, Indiana.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We are Dog-lovers

Crystal eyes

This is Dante & Anelese's dog, Crystal, that lives with their dad, Eric.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One year later

This ran in the Chronicle Tribune newspaper in Marion Indiana January 19, 2009 on the anniversary of Dad's death.

I am just now posting this because I recently received it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bove kids update

Talk about busy with kids. Riva has been extra busy with her kid's travel soccer. 
In one weekend she may have to travel to two different cities and have four games to attend.
Recently Riva was the raffle winner announcer at the annual Riverview Elementary Spring Fling.

It has been a tasteful pleasure to have Carmino's famous smoked ribs. Over the last several years he has perfected this dish as something we have all come to enjoy.
Also, he has been enjoying the ins and outs of early spring weather on the Meshingamosia golf course.

Sonia has successfully entered her third trimester with her third pregnancy. Just a few months to go before the family grows to 5.
We still have our fingers crossed that this will be a smooth pregnancy without any high blood pressure issues.

We haven't seen Nadia in a while. 
She has been busy in Texas with work, her dog Mia and Ken.
Must be nice to live in an area where you can take your dog on a daily walk year round.
Our hope is that we see Nadia this summer.

More news: This past weekend we have finally decided to do the family vacation we have talked about for years. At this point Sonia will be organizing and scheduling the event.
Possibly Florida sometime in 2010.

Update on the rest of the family to come

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Someone, anyone: Vote for Riva!

It appears that no one thinks that Riva is as cool as her younger and more hip siblings.

Maybe just ONE vote to help her spirits. It could be out of sympathy, we won't tell her.

So, why no votes?

Is it because she openingly thinks this poll is silly and dumb? Don't listen to her, she says that about a lot of stuff. She probably says that about you.

Is it because she went to a lame all-girls (overly-priced) college? She claims that sometimes the guys would jump the fierce 20-foot fence to come over to party with the gals. Still not as cool as BSU, though. 

Ok, so while growing up she would be on the phone 18 hours a day and NEVER hang with the "younger crowd" in the basement while we played alligator in the water or lava floor. Yeh, that would make her not so cool.

I guess maybe now that she owns a van, maybe that is why you aren't voting for her. I suppose I don't blame you.

Oh, and there was that one time I thought Carmino was attacked by a bear, but it was actually her nails that scratched his back so deep that it just appeared to be a bear attack. Well, I don't know the story behind the fight so I can't make any judgement since sometime it is known that Carmino can be a big boob. No, seriously, he can be a boob.

Don't base your judgement on her kids. It's not Anelese's fault that she is known for saying, "I want meat!" or Dante's fault for telling long, never-ending pointless stories about all his stuffed animals. (Rumor has it that Dante did go to school for Halloween with all the stuffed animals safety-pinned to him. I wish I had a picture to post.)

So, what is your reason?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Secondhand smoking is BAD!

Poor Dante.

Dante is approaching 10-years-old this summer. I can hardly believe it. However, he has been through more medical probing than most young adults.

Currently he has been found to be allergic to EVERYTHING. Not too sure exactly what that means, but that is a quote from Riva. (Is he allergic to me?)

Mainly though, he can't have dairy for awhile or at least until he clears his system and slowing reintroduces it back in small amount.

I was also told he hasn't been able to breathe properly, which is no surprise to me, since he always sounds like he needs to clear his throat.

Which also leads to doctor's order of "No secondhand smoking" around Dante or any kids for that matter. 

Best of luck, Dante. I wish we could tell you that your teen years will be better, but ...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Despite the earthquake

Lisa (aka: Mom) has been in Italy nearly 6 weeks now. 

Early Monday morning she experienced a fairly strong earthquake. She was asleep and thought it was a dog or two jumping on her bed. Her niece, Tatiana, woke her up and got her and the rest of the family outside to a safer place.

Mom has lived in Indiana most of her adult life and really hasn't experienced anything like this. 

Hundred of people have died and the search for more bodies continues today. This powerful earthquake centered in a town named L'Aquila less than 100 miles from her hometown location.

My first thought was to call her and make sure she was ok. I called several times once I got the news that a magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit nearby, yet I couldn't get a hold of her.

Finally I reached her nearly 15 hours later. 

Where was she? Shopping! Leave it to my mom to find time to shop during a natural catastrophe.

Maybe shopping is her therapy.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Panda & Deablo... the forgotten pups

Panda (age 10) and Deablo (age 12) are having a quiet moment with Vincenzo.